Premature Aging Take care of your teeth and gums. Oral health can affect your brain. Scientific Research | 7 minutes to read
Loss of Sleep Your oral health and the importance of quality sleep Scientific Research | 2 minutes to read
Dementia The risk of dementia is great among those with untreated gum disease Scientific Research | 1 minute to read
Heart Disease Untreated oral infections risk future heart blockage Scientific Research | 1 minute to read
Loss of Sleep Sleep deficits lead to 19% increased risk for gum disease Scientific Research | 2 minutes to read
Arthritis 65% of Rheumatoid arthritis patients have active gum disease Scientific Research | 2 minutes to read
Respiratory Health Raised risk for respiratory diseases in patient's with untreated gum... Scientific Research | 1 minute to read
Respiratory Health Oral Bacteria leads to serious respiratory issues Scientific Research | 2 minutes to read