COVID-19 Gum disease and COVID-19 result in life threatening complications Scientific Research | 1 minute to read
Diabetes Tender, bleeding gums causing high blood sugar triggers type-2 diabetes Scientific Research | 1 minute to read
Diabetes Patients with gum disease experience diabetic complications Scientific Research | 1 minute to read
Diabetes Uncontrolled diabetes leads to aggressive gum disease Scientific Research | 1 minute to read
COVID-19 Regular dental cleanings essential in preventing covid-19 severity Scientific Research | 2 minutes to read
COVID-19 Untreated gum disease triggers scary covid-19 outcome Scientific Research | 1 minute to read
COVID-19 Bleeding, swollen gums linked to severe COVID-19 cases Scientific Research | 2 minutes to read
COVID-19 Patients with gum disease at risk of not recovering from covid-19 Scientific Research | 1 minute to read